Lycia Scouting and Nature Lovers Culture Association

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Our Erasmus+ Mobilities

“Social Media Literate = SAFE + EMPOWER + ENGAGE” Struga / Macedonia

We participatied Erasmus+ Youth Exchange on Social Media Literate = SAFE + EMPOWER + ENGAGE 15.06-23.06.2018, Struga, Republic of Macedonia. Our aim while contributing to this project was learning how to use social media effectively. We were also aiming that learning many trivias about social media and how social media used in other participant countries, such as; which platforms are common in other countries and how do they feel about social media contracts and etc.

We participated to the project with six people, who work in different areas, such as; law, politics, health and education. This wide range about jobs was a great advantage for us, because we had knowledge and many different perspectives with this way, and we go back to Turkey, the knowledge that we got while the project gave us great advantages, further on, it was a great chance to enlight our circle people.oldu. 
